
Expert Council and Scientific Staff

Expansion of legal migration opportunities for third-country nationals, particularly in middle- and low-skill sectors, holds potential but should not be oversold as migration management tool, new study cautions

23. October 2019

Berlin, 22 October 2019. While the European Union has called on Member States to expand channels for foreign workers as a way to meet labour market needs and potentially tackle spontaneous migration, they have struggled to deliver on this pledge. To date, policies have focused more on attracting high-skilled workers, but less attention has been… Continue reading Expansion of legal migration opportunities for third-country nationals, particularly in middle- and low-skill sectors, holds potential but should not be oversold as migration management tool, new study cautions

New study: ”Countering Demographic Decline. How Germany’s shrinking universities attract and retain international students“

24. September 2019

Berlin, 24 September 2019. More students than ever before are studying for a degree in Germany. Nonetheless, one in six of the country’s 263 public universities and universities of applied sciences are shrinking. The reason is demographic change. Low birth rates and the depopulation of certain regions of Germany mean that the number of domestic… Continue reading New study: ”Countering Demographic Decline. How Germany’s shrinking universities attract and retain international students“

SVR releases 2019 Annual Report

8. May 2019

A lot done, a lot more to do: Mainstreaming social participation, promoting skilled worker immigration and refugee integration The 2019 Annual Report of the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration takes stock of developments in relation to integration and migration over the past few years. Actions taken in these fields focused on… Continue reading SVR releases 2019 Annual Report

SVR releases 2018 Annual Report

24. April 2018

New SVR Annual Report: What can immigration and integration laws do to better steer migration and promote integration? The SVR Annual Report 2018 explores the legislative possibilities for steering migration and promoting the social participation of all. It summarises the existing legal situation at the national and EU levels and points to political fields of… Continue reading SVR releases 2018 Annual Report

SVR releases 2017 Annual Report

25. April 2017

Refugee Integration: Use Standard Structures, Not Special Programmes A Fresh Start for EU Refugee Policy: More Europe, and A Different Europe SVR’s 2017 Annual Report outlines proposals for further development of EU refugee policy. Tiered model for EU-wide rights of free movement for recognised refugees as a way to distribute responsibility fairly in the EU.… Continue reading SVR releases 2017 Annual Report

SVR releases 2016 Annual Report

26. April 2016

“All Rights for Everyone”: the German policy of positive neutrality toward religion has proven successful at fostering integration, but questions remain The SVR’s 2016 Annual Report looks at religious diversity in Germany as an immigration country and the resulting institutional, political and legal challenges. Equal institutional treatment of Islam is on the right track, but… Continue reading SVR releases 2016 Annual Report

SVR urges greater Europeanisation of refugee protection

15. September 2015

The Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration (SVR) presents guidelines for refugee policy in Europe. The current refugee crisis requires a fair system of refugee distribution with the involvement of every EU Member State. This also includes the introduction of a permanent distribution mechanism which is mandatory for all Member States. Berlin,… Continue reading SVR urges greater Europeanisation of refugee protection

SVR’s 2015 Annual Report Now Available in English

17. July 2015

In its Annual Report, now out in English, the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration (SVR) compares Germany’s migration and integration policies with the policies of selected EU countries as well as with traditional immigration countries such as Canada and the USA. In its recommendations for action, the SVR advocates fair burden-sharing… Continue reading SVR’s 2015 Annual Report Now Available in English

Address Obstacles to Employment – Retain More International Students as Skilled Migrants

9. June 2015

International students are ‘model immigrants’ for the labour markets of their host countries. But although the majority would like to stay and work after graduation, many international students fail to find adequate employment. SVR’s Research Unit presents the results from the first international mapping of local support structures for the study-to-work transition of international students… Continue reading Address Obstacles to Employment – Retain More International Students as Skilled Migrants

European Asylum Crisis: Towards Collective and Fair Reception of Refugees

12. May 2015

More refugees than ever before are dying on their way to safe European ports. At the same time, the ever-increasing number of asylum applications in the European Union puts pressure on the asylum systems in some member states. Collective EU reception procedures could provide relief. SVR’s Research Unit and SWP propose joint EU contingents for… Continue reading European Asylum Crisis: Towards Collective and Fair Reception of Refugees


Meike Giordono-Scholz

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