
Expert Council and Scientific Staff

‘Black box’ administration: The practical handling of statelessness and undetermined nationality

26. June 2024

More than 125,000 people in Germany live as stateless persons or with an undetermined nationality. As a state party to the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, Germany is obliged to identify people without nationality and grant them access to national and international rights. However, a standardised determination procedure does not yet exist… Continue reading ‘Black box’ administration: The practical handling of statelessness and undetermined nationality

Between openness and restriction: Integration and migration policy in the last five years

14. May 2024

Migration and integration policy has been highly dynamic in recent years. On the one hand, increasing demand for foreign labour has led to a further opening of Germany as a country of immigration; the possibilities of so-called “lane changes” for rejected asylum seekers were also extended. Following the increased influx of refugees since 2022, more… Continue reading Between openness and restriction: Integration and migration policy in the last five years

Tapping the hidden reserve: SVR study on the motives and motivation of volunteers in refugee assistance

16. April 2024

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 led to a surge in willingness to help those who fled to Germany. The scientific staff of the Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR) conducted a survey on volunteer work to investigate the motives and attitudes of those who volunteer to support refugees. Based on that… Continue reading Tapping the hidden reserve: SVR study on the motives and motivation of volunteers in refugee assistance

Police stops in Germany: People who look foreign are stopped more frequently

15. November 2023

Discriminatory police practices such as racial profiling have been the subject of debate in Germany for a number of years – though without any reliable underlying statistics. The scientific staff of the Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR) has now for the first time examined the link between perceived phenotypic difference and police stops… Continue reading Police stops in Germany: People who look foreign are stopped more frequently

The impact of climate change on migration: response options at the political level – English Summary of SVR Annual Report now available

9. May 2023

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. In its 2023 Annual Report, the Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR) examines the impact of climate change on migration patterns. To respond effectively to climate change-induced migration, the entire spectrum of migration policy instruments should be used. With three innovative instruments –… Continue reading The impact of climate change on migration: response options at the political level – English Summary of SVR Annual Report now available

A Crucial Component. The Contribution of Migrants to the German Healthcare System.

13. May 2022

A well-functioning healthcare system is essential for a well-functioning society. In its 2022 Annual Report, the Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR) concludes that migrants are crucial to the German healthcare system. To ensure that healthcare is equally available to all, irrespective of background or migration history, the sector as a whole must become… Continue reading A Crucial Component. The Contribution of Migrants to the German Healthcare System.

Diversity as the new normal? How Germany deals with difference as an immigration country

6. May 2021

To ensure that differences in where people come from do not lead to social and economic inequalities, Germany needs to reshape its integration policy. In its 2021 Annual Report, the Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR) offers recommendations on strengthening political and labour market participation for migrants. Berlin, 06 May 2021. The forthcoming federal… Continue reading Diversity as the new normal? How Germany deals with difference as an immigration country

The structural problems of the hotspots on the Greek islands: Lessons learned for the EU’s common asylum policy

30. March 2021

For years, the refugee camps on the Greek islands have been overcrowded. Residents are subject to precarious and insecure living conditions and lack basic services. Contrary to the original expectations regarding these “hotspots” and the 2016 EU-Turkey Statement, they have not led to swift asylum procedures and returns. The scientific staff of the Expert Council… Continue reading The structural problems of the hotspots on the Greek islands: Lessons learned for the EU’s common asylum policy

What needs to change so that more young newcomers can embark on vocational education and training? Results of a comparative study of selected EU Member States

3. December 2020

Many young newcomers have a hard time negotiating the maze of courses, entry requirements and necessary proof of qualification in their target countries before they embark on vocational education and training (VET) – or give up. That serves neither their host societies nor the newcomers themselves. The Research Unit of the Expert Council of German… Continue reading What needs to change so that more young newcomers can embark on vocational education and training? Results of a comparative study of selected EU Member States


Heike Köhn

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+49 30. 288 86 59 – 18

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