Migrants’ media consumption: Findings from the SVR’s 2020 Integration Barometer (January 2021 – August 2021)

Media consumption patterns provide diverse insights into the life of people with a migration background in Germany. Based on these insights, it is not only possible to see, for instance, where and in what language this heterogeneous group meets its demand for information and whether there are differences compared to population groups without a migration background. This is because media use also correlates with a number of factors which are analysed when studying integration, including language skills, cultural integration and political leanings.

The SVR’s 2020 Integration Barometer provides the opportunity to depict the diversity of users’ current media behaviour, including their consumption of social media, (online) magazines/newspapers, and (online) TV. This enables an analysis of the extent to which the current media preferences of people with a migration background are linked to socio-demographic and migration-specific factors. Further, thanks to the large case numbers, possible differences between groups of origin can be investigated with regard to aspects which are otherwise related, such as trust in German media or trust in media in their country of origin.

The results of the research project were published in a Policy Brief in August 2021. The SVR’s 2020 Integration Barometer was the first to be funded jointly by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community and the German federal states.

Follow this link to find out more about the Integration Barometer.


Policy Brief (Summary)

Tuned in? How people with a migration background in Germany use and trust the media

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